The past three weeks have seen Newbridge High School, Ivanhoe College and Castle Rock High School compete in our Sportshall Athletics Events in the hope to get a place...
CONTINUE READINGIt is with great pleasure I welcome you to our brand new website. Since inception in 2005 we’ve been flying under the radar of the world wide web, but...
CONTINUE READINGDfE Announcement: Millions of Pounds to Transform School Facilities and Encourage Healthier Lifestyles Schools are to receive £415 million to help pupils benefit from healthier, more active lifestyles, Education...
CONTINUE READINGYesterday 60 pupils from Ashby School, Castle Rock High School, Ivanhoe College, Ibstock Community College, King Edward VII Science & Sports College and Newbridge High School had the opportunity...
CONTINUE READINGClubs, individuals and volunteers recognised at inaugural LRS Celebration Evening Leicester-Shire & Rutland Sport’s (LRS) inaugural Celebration Evening was a huge success, as local sport and physically active champions...
CONTINUE READINGLast term finished with some of our biggest and most well-attended events of the year – the NWLSSP Primary Gymnastics Competitions. These competitions took place over three separate days...
CONTINUE READINGThe Primary Bronze Ambassador Training Day was held on Wednesday 11th January 2017 at Measham Leisure Centre. The training day was held to bring enthusiastic pupils together from...
CONTINUE READINGOn the 23rd, 24th and 25th of January 2017 schools from across North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership attended the NWLSSP Level 2 School Games Mini Basketball competitions....
CONTINUE READINGOn Wednesday 11th of January 2017 North West Leicestershire School Sports Partnership held its annual Boccia competitions at Forest Way and Ibstock Community College. As in previous years this...
CONTINUE READINGThis year saw the Sport and Physical Activity Programme once again run in 5 of our partnership schools; Ashby, Castle Rock, Newbridge, Ibstock and Ivanhoe. The Inactive Girls Programme...